Monday, February 14, 2011

Keiko O'brian

She was a botanist and primary school teacher. She was aboard the Enterprise and then Deep Space Nine. She was of Japanese descent. She had a strong bond with her family. She was introduced to Miles by Data. Data served as father of the bride in their wedding. Her favorite food was plankton Loaf; however Miles wasn’t that fond of them. They had a daughter, Molly. Keiko gave birth in Ten-Forward.
Keiko was a botanist on the Enterprise, working in the Arboretum. She also headed the biology department. For years she saw an old cup in her memory, with the help of a telepath she was able to recall the significance.
Keiko was not that thrilled about the transfer to Deep Space Nine. She opened a school with Benjamin Sisko’s permission. Later that same year the Bajorians were outraged at the studies that took place in the class. They believed that Keiko was teaching her student that the Prophet were wormhole aliens. Keiko eventually closed the school because of this and lack of students.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Michael Eddington

Michael Eddington abandons StarFleet for the Maquis. He eventually rises to lead the resistance movement against the Cardasseans.  Eddington creates a weapon that could pollute the atmosphere of a planet making it inhospitable. His choice planet was Cardassea Prime.
Sisko uses a similar weapon against Eddington, of course without StarFleet approval. Sisko does so with the help of the stations only Cardassean resident, Gerek.
The weapon was used again to bring the Romuleon Empire into the Dominion War, as allies to the Federation.