Monday, January 27, 2014


A Ferengi female, disguised as a male to prove yhat females were business savvy. As a male she worked at Quarks bar and even advised Quark wisely to purchase a root. She later assisted Quark to purchase Tulberry Wine, which went over well also.  But she fell in love with Quark and kissed him.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Benny Russel

He was an identity that Benjamin Sisko took on some transes that the
Prophets and Pawraiths.

An African American science fiction writer and an ex-navel service man in the 1950s. He lived in New York City. He wrote in The Incredible Tales Magazine. Douglas Pabst, the editor, was reluctant to reveal Benny was black necause he was afraid sales would go down. Bennys greatest work was of a black captain who commanded a space station.


Thrse beings were known as the wormhole aliens, mainly by non Bajoreans. They were non - corporeal and extra dimensional. Their origins are not known. They only live in the Bajorean wormhole because of its stability. They identify themselves as Bajor. Other then that their origins are not known.


These are the enemies of the Prophets. The usually take the form of fire spirits. Despite that, they were identical. When they brought on visions they acted smugly. The prophet acted humbly and displayed very little emotion.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Ishan Chaye

A Bajorean electrical engineer, he was born in 2328. He resided in Rakantha Province. In 2366, he went to Terok Nor and was employed by Quark. Wrongly accused of an assignation attempt of Gul Dukot by Odo, he was executed on the station.