Saturday, February 20, 2016

Wrath of The Prophets

Star trek: Deep Space Nine: Wrath of The Prophets has 274 pages within the story. This story is by Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman and Robert Greenberger. I started Monday August 15, 2014 and finished Tuesday September 20, 2014.

They were in a Bajorean palace bar. Varis had befriended both Jake and Nog. She was given a party on her return to Bajor  Molly and Keiko returned from a botony conferance Keiko took part in, however the Cheif was still distracted. Keiko was going back to Bajor for three weeks. Obrien was furious because of this so he went to Quarks.

Ritnas were a sloth like animal that stayed close to the water on Bajor. They generated a milk, which kept Bajoreans healthy.

People and animals were dying and the Kai was supposed to tell Bajor that it was a test. Kai was visiting the station. Dax was doing her best not to become emotional over her Bajorean friends on the planet, but it was difficult. The virus laid dormant on the replicators until they were used and that brought them back to life.

Ro Laren came through the wormhole. Sisko asked Quark to investigate why the Orions supplied replicators to the Bajoreans. Then the virus mutated so he was back to square one. Ro and Kira went to talk to Kiras friend on Bajor.
He wasn't much help until they left and he ran after them and told them whoch counsel member to talk to.

Varis misled Kai Winn telling her she got the cure. He was on a mission to find a real antidote. However, Bashir found a cure to the sickness. Varis told the prophets to go to hell. Jake talked to Varis about having faith.

On the journey to the mountain Ro exclaimed she was sick of Kira. Kira and Ro were captured to be sold on the black market by the Orions. Dax was at Quarks bar, recounting all the lives she had.

Morn got the disease. Ro got a knife from a guard. Winn just got infected after screaming at the Prophets. Ro and Kira were pretending to fight until the Zeber came in and then they took care of him. They set the place on fire.

Sisko and Quark were playing Dabo for the info on the replicators. If they won they would get the information. If they lost they would become the others slaves. Sisko and Quark won.

The Orions blew out their cloaking device. Ro and Varis saved Kira from an attack, Kira said you took your sweet time. A knife was flying toward Ro and Kira grabbed it
Dax knew the disease,  her first host had experience with it. If Obrien went down to Bajor the station gravity would have been compromised and the cure would have likely parished. Bashir, with Daxs help made the antidote. Bashir was going to test the antidote on Morn with the promise of free drinks at the bar. They were venting the antidote through the system and seeding it throughout Bajor.

The Bajorean Government wouldn't thank Roe for her helping Kira, in fact the oppisite, they were damming her if she returned. Sisko was of great defense to Varis,  he brought the whole consil down for allowing the Black Market to exist.
