Saturday, June 1, 2019


Star Trek Quote of the Day:

StarTrek Birthday:


Discovered: June 1, 2337

He was one of a hundred changeling infants sent out to explore the universe and return to The Founders in the future to share  all that he had learned. Odo was unaware of his origin for most of his life, until the opening of the Bajoran Wormhole into the Gamma Quadrant premuturally reunited him with his race. A product of civilizations pn both sides of the wormhole, Odo was comflicted during the Dominion War. Though he sided with the Alpha Quadrant, his commitment to justice did not take sides and he worked to ensure that his allies stayed true to StarFleet ideals. Following the war Odo returned to his people to share the cure to the disease that had been engineered to wipe out his race.

Thursday, April 18, 2019


This StarTrek novel by Michael Jan Friedman has 275 pages.

Within it, Sisko is meeting his old shipmates from Saratoga. In the last mission of this ship he lost his wife to the Borg. The get together was to take place on Mars.

Rom found a beverage container from Thetalian Prime in Quirks supply closet.

Kira asked Quark to obtain what the Bajorean needed from a friend

Captain Ishemaki, of the Zapata was on course to Beta Jalonis on a distress call after dropping the passengers off at DS9

The passengers were on their way to DS9 to attend a get together as part of the new Saratoga crew

Groken was a man who slept around and had at least two female mates on the Saratoga

After he beamed onto another ship he hit on a counselor and then the person who beamed him over

Captain Nicholis Kyprios

Tarlegga was a competitor in the run, he was in, in the holodeck. Counselor Constance Barnes interrupted his run. They conversed about her immersion in her work not to deal with the voyage underway and her not wanting to talk about the Saratoga incident.

A few of the passengers who were going to take part in the ceremony were going to beam to Deep Space Nine, because the docking port were damaged.

Bashir was giving Dr. Offer a tour of sickbay. She was very insulting to him, and constantly made him feel inferior to her.

The ship docked, and let out the rest of the passengers who were attending the reunion and then left on its next mission.