Monday, March 9, 2020

Station Rage

In Startrek: Deep Space 9: Station Rage there was fighting both on the inside and outside of Deep Space Nine.  This book was written by Diane Carey in 1995. It had 23 chapters within its 227 pages. I started this on Saturday July 19th. I completed this on Thursday August 7.

Obrien, Odo and Bashir were in a cave, Obrien got hit with a booby trap. Odo protected them from an explosion. After sheilding them, Odo called for Obrien to let Kira and Sisko know to come down.
They found corpses of Cardassians. They tranported Gerek to them.

The Federation agreed to have a Cardassean on DSN to improve relations with the Cardassieans and the Federation. However the Cardassians could claim mistreatnent of the dead and perform an unending investigation. One strange thing was the Cardassieans that awoke were all male. The Cardassians in the chamber awoke suddenly without any clue where or when they were. There was this High Gul trapped on the station with his Cardassean allies.

There was a problem with the translation matrix on DS9, so everyone was speaking their foreign language. Most of the turbolifts were malfunctioning as well. The environmental controls were starting to act up also. So they were having a fire drill of sorts on Deep Space Nine but an actual emergency. An airlock opened and people were hanging on for dear life.

The whole station was damaged from communication systems to airlocks. They evacuated DS9. Sisko, Odo, and Kira stayed aboard. Kira went to Security. Odo and Sisko cought the humanoids that were damaging the station but had no weapons. They attacked when asked to identify themselves. Cardasseans were aboard planning to take the station back.

There was also a dark entiry aboard. Sisko just found the Cardassians, who were asleep for 80 years. He started fighting one. Malici was the second in command of the  Cardassean army which was aboard. The High Guls memories were great and compared to throughout the armed forces of Cardassia. Gerek was asked if he wanted to save anyone. He didn't answer.

Thee Cardasseabs were first ask if they wanted any food. Some of the Cardassions went missing. Odo was going into an electronic field not knowing what will happen. A reactor breach almost caused the whole station shutdown. A vessal was entering the wormhole, despite the order of no vessals in the wormhole. Kira was planning to blow up the wormhole if necessary to protect the lives of people in the Gamma Quadrant. They were also going to flood the docking ring with radiation

The Cardassians were from 70 years prior. The Cardassians, who just awoke, thought they were still occupying Bajor and said that they'd kill any Bajoreans who moved off Bajor. Sisko suggested to them to turn themselves in. They were going to destroy the Defiant.

The Cardassians that just awoke were figuring out that the time they awoke was a different time then they slept. There was only one ship coming for the sleeping Cardassians, Benjamin didn't know that though. The Cardassians that awoke were part of an elite team known as the Crescent Order.

The Cardassians came in order to get the members of The Crescent Order. Sisko told them to back off. Garek gave the Cardassians intel on the Defiant. Sisko was prepared for war if the Cardassians wanted it. Kira got captured. Sisko was dead. Odo saved Sisko.

Kira was taken captive on the Defiant. Gerek saved Sisko. Sisko suddenly appeared on the Defiant. The High Gul offered Sisko a place at his side, he refused. The High Guls wife was killed by Franso. Starfleet sent 3 Starships and 1 Klingon Vessel to help the Defiant.