Saturday, June 3, 2023

ST: DSN: Horn and Ivory

This short story is by Keith R.A. Decandido. I began reading it Wednesday May 10, 2023. I completed reading this on Monday May 22, 2023.

Kira time traveled to before Bajor was united as one. It was still the provinces of Endtree, Bajora, as well as Lerra as well as other few. She had no idea why or how, for the Prophets or an injury or a little of both.

The Bajoreans had just won a battle with the help of Kiera Nierys. Kira traversed to her distant past before Bajor became Bajor and was still city states. This reminded her of her work currently with the Federation.

"You can't blind yourself to a good thing just because you don't like it."

ST: DSN: Horn and Ivory p. 97

"Without faith their can be no victory."

ST: DSN: Horn and Ivory p. 121

"Many different types of gateways were constructed over time, some large and elegant, others that could be held in the palm of one's hand."

ST: DSN: Horn and Ivory p. 134

"Two gates for ghostly dreams there are; One gateway of honest horn, and one of ivory issuuing by the ivory gates are the dreams of glimmering illusion, fantasies, but those that come through solid polished horn may be borne out, if mortals only know them."

Homer, The Odyssey

ST: DSN: Horn and Ivory p. 140

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Never Ending Sacrifice

I started reading this novel Wednesday September 21, 2022. It has 352 pages. I completed reading this on Friday December 9, 2022.

"Where shall a man find sweetness to surpass his own home and parents? In far lands he shall not, though he found a house of gold." Homer, The Odyssey

Migdal and Rugal, a father and son went up to Deep Space Nine from Bajor. The first person they met was Garek. Migdal was Pudar's, a Cardassians, son.

Before Rugal with the Cardassian Chief Miles O'Brian said to him, "If you need anything, let me know."

Family is extremely important on Cardassia. Rugal  was introduced to his grandmother. Kotan was part of the Civilian Assembly, a scientific advisor to their ruling body, the Detapa Council.

"Cardassia was a world of contradictions there were grandmothers, who claimed to care for nothing but family, but who you dead there were conversations you had to pretend were held in secret, when everyone knew that  they were  spied upon. And then there were Father's but who said had take that you loved you, but had taken you away from all you loved." 
The Never- Ending Sacrifice p. 33

Ragul picked up the book "The Never-Ending Sacrifice" book Ulan Corac, but never made it past the first chapter.

"Cardassians were vicious and heartless and lacked whatever gene carried compassion. They were the complete opposite of Bajorean. Bajorean were the kind of people that would adopt children abandoned by those who had almost abandoned their beautiful, benevolent world."

The Never- Ending Sacrifice pp. 37-38

"The heart of an empire is often beautiful to behold and cruel to contemplate."

The Never- Ending Sacrifice p. 38

Rugal made a friend, Penelya. She was an orphan who was studying plants.

"You don't fit in with people's expectations. Your not quite the same as they are, and because of that you make them feel uncomfortable. But instead of trying to understand what you are, for yourself, they dislike you for making them feel uncomfortable. That's what it's like sometimes."


The Never-Ending Sacrifice p. 43

"A harmonious family is the bedrock of a harmonious state."

The Never- Ending Sacrifice p. 46

"Why would Cardassia do this to their children? Why not let them become everything they could be? What were they afraid would happen, if they simply let them go?"

The Never- Ending Sacrifice p. 50

Rugal spoke up in class about Bajor and how Cardassian history books showed it wrong, and was talked to by his teacher. A member of the Obsidian Order came to his father and him as well. 

"On Bajor everyone was poor, it tucked away below bridges." 

The Never- Ending Sacrifice p. 66

Rugal's Bajoren mom died.

"There’s a lot of empty space between here and Bajor. You could be trying to find a way back for a long time, doing nothing better than wishing you were somewhere else? Is that good enough for you? Is there nothing worthwhile you could do on Cardassia? Nothing you want to do?


The Never- Ending Sacrifice p. 94

"If you could not say what you were thinking, how could you ever work out whether it was wrong or right? How could you work out how to make your ideas better?"


The Never- Ending Sacrifice p. 95

Rugal decided not to go back to the academy, and therefore would have to look for new ways to spend his time. Rugal was discussing the fact that their should be elections on Cardassia, to which his father said their needs to be more education first.

Rugal was giving out food at night on the Cardassian streets.

"The open secrets that nobody voiced. Life would be so much easier if they all simply talked to one another. It was almost as if Cardassians preferred life to be complicated. The best option, Rugal decided was to be honest and to hope his actions spoke as loudly for him as his words."


The Never- Ending Sacrifice pp. 105-106

The Obsidian Order fell. It was replaced by The Cardassian Intelligence Bureau. Rugal was trying to help his friends escape, but they resisted until the last minute. Then he managed to. He got them out of there by stashing there IDs and using his to get them through and since his father is high in authority they had no problem. Kotan was on the search for his Bajorean father, Rugal would stay on Deep Space Nine. Kotan found out that his father died before he got there. The Klingons are going to attack Cardassia Prime.

"If life was a battleground, all you could ever do was be a victim or victor."

The Never- Ending Sacrifice p. 143

"Any God will do right, now true, false, friendly, hostile--I'm open for business."

The Never- Ending Sacrifice p. 144

"It all comes down in the end to need. Needing to have more than anyone else. Perhaps now that you've seen one of our droughts you understand why. Gather all you can to you to you, because as sure as the hot sun rises in the morning, the rain will stop and the food will run out. Gather up everything you can from wherever you can."

The Never-Ending Sacrifice p. 150

"We are the sum that has gone before. We are the source of all to come."

The Never-Ending Sacrifice p. 161

"If I'm going to enjoy my life, I might as well enjoy myself doing it."

The Never-Ending Sacrifice Alon p. 170

"Duty at least, should keep them going, even if there was a little promise of reward." 

The Never-Ending Sacrifice p. 172

"Friends had been in lamentably short supply on Cardassia Prime." 

The Never-Ending Sacrifice p. 180

"People here have all these reasons to hate each other, and they feed them rather than try to lose their appetite for them. And they brought that way of doing things to Bajor and now Bajor has to struggle with exactly the same problem. And that's not to say that people don't have good reasons to hate each other. Bajor has every reason to hate Cardassia--and I do understand why people want revenge, and reparations, but...when will it end."


The Never-Ending Sacrifice 183-184

Dukot put Cardassia under Dominion authority. Meya Rejel and Tetretis Geyl opposed the remarks.

"People of Cardassia, I call on us to stand united at this time. Let us not bow down to tyranny; let us not give way to threat. We are a proud people and we will survive."

The Never-Ending Sacrifice p. 191

Rugal was being drafted by Dukot for the Cardassian War with the Klingons. Rugal received a medal. The Breen entered the War on the Cardassians side. Rugal and Tret found Romulan Commander Tret injured when he took Tret down for medical treatment. Rugal told her the war had ended and helped her out.

Rugal woke up to Selik holding Tret hostage. However Tret managed to talk the situation down peacefully. After a three day stay at a Cardassian garrison the Commander killed herself with her disrupter. Tret was in and out of consciousness as they traveled and asked Rugal  where the Commander was. He died three days after.

"Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die. And it is the youth that must inherit the tribulation, the sorrows, and the triumphs that are the aftermath of war." Herbert Hoover

HARF stands for Headquarters Allied Reconstruction Forces.

"The sun isn't shining everywhere."

The Never-Ending Sacrifice p. 250

Rugal was on the Starship Lotus as a medic. Rugal left the ship when they reached Ithic in search for Penelya. The ship left him for three months to find her, but the captain gave him a subspace transponder to call them earlier if needed. He went to her house. He never found her though. Rugal accepted Penelya death. He would work her farm until his ship returned. There was a young human girl on the farm, Rugal had been conversing with her some.

Hulya was the girls name. Before their first meal together, Rugal insisted she take a bath, which she welcomed. Then Rugal found clothes for her in Penala's closet.

"I think we get angry when people die because we feel like they've left us behind. They've left us having to carry on and cope with the whole mess of being alive."


The Never-Ending Sacrifice p. 295

Hulya saw a teacher, while shopping with Rugal. Arani, a Cardassian woman has come.

"You never could overestimate how resourceful people could be." 

The Never-Ending Sacrifice p. 312

Gheta arrived after winter to Rugal's farm. She was the youngest amongst them.

Dr. Anders wants to take Hulya away, because she is having tantrums. They tried to remove Hulya by force, but couldn't manage it.

"There’s something you need to understand, I was brought up on Bajor, by Bajoreans. They were my parents. The only ones I ever knew. Then my biological father turned up alive, and a Starfleet Officer decided it was better for me to go back to Cardassia with him. But it wasn't. He was wrong, and it did me great harm. I don't  want Hulya to forget she's human, and I'm the last person on this world to make her think she is Cardassian. But she's safe and happy. She wants to be with us. That's where she should stay."


The Never-Ending Sacrifice p. 322

Five more Cardassians were sent to live with them. The Lotus was on its way back. Rugul was going on the Lotus. Rugal visited Miles. He wanted to become a Federation citizen. Miles contacted Garek about this. Rugal recalled he bite Garek on the hand at Quarks on Deep Space Nine. Garek forgave him and helped Rugal. It was weeks before his case, during which time he and Hulya were guests of Garek.

"Seeing this place, Rugal thought he could understand why Commander Sisko might have chosen to send him back to Cardassia. People who had been happy in their homes often lacked imagination; they lacked the understanding that what had been a source of joy for some might be a prison for others. This was the only reason he could find to explain Sisko's actions--other than cruelty, which did not seem likely in a man Miles O'Brian respected. Earth explained a great deal-- although perhaps it did not excuse it."

The Never-Ending Sacrifice p. 343

"What I chiefly wanted to say was that there were tragic time's for my people. And it seems to me that the chief tragedy of our history is the demands we have made and obligations we have placed upon generation after generation. I have come to believe that if Cardassia is ever to escape our history, it must reciprocate these obligations and no longer require these sacrifices most of all, we must learn to let go." 


The Never-Ending Sacrifice p. 348

Rugal became a Federation citizen. Rugal went with Hulya to Bajor. He buried his earing by his parents resting places. The they went to Cardassia. He was officially gone to adopt Hulya. Rugal then stopped by the Pa'Dar house, which was rubble now, but said his thanks for the gift of life. Rugal met Penelya and they went off with Hulya.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Symbiot Council on Trill

Jerrad is the cheif magistrate of the Symbiot Council. He has a trill inside of him as well. His trill is Coal.

Coal is one of the oldest Trills in existance. It is about 5,000,000,000 years old. It has had many hosts. It remembers each and every aspect of its lives like it was yesterday.


Monday, March 9, 2020

Station Rage

In Startrek: Deep Space 9: Station Rage there was fighting both on the inside and outside of Deep Space Nine.  This book was written by Diane Carey in 1995. It had 23 chapters within its 227 pages. I started this on Saturday July 19th. I completed this on Thursday August 7.

Obrien, Odo and Bashir were in a cave, Obrien got hit with a booby trap. Odo protected them from an explosion. After sheilding them, Odo called for Obrien to let Kira and Sisko know to come down.
They found corpses of Cardassians. They tranported Gerek to them.

The Federation agreed to have a Cardassean on DSN to improve relations with the Cardassieans and the Federation. However the Cardassians could claim mistreatnent of the dead and perform an unending investigation. One strange thing was the Cardassieans that awoke were all male. The Cardassians in the chamber awoke suddenly without any clue where or when they were. There was this High Gul trapped on the station with his Cardassean allies.

There was a problem with the translation matrix on DS9, so everyone was speaking their foreign language. Most of the turbolifts were malfunctioning as well. The environmental controls were starting to act up also. So they were having a fire drill of sorts on Deep Space Nine but an actual emergency. An airlock opened and people were hanging on for dear life.

The whole station was damaged from communication systems to airlocks. They evacuated DS9. Sisko, Odo, and Kira stayed aboard. Kira went to Security. Odo and Sisko cought the humanoids that were damaging the station but had no weapons. They attacked when asked to identify themselves. Cardasseans were aboard planning to take the station back.

There was also a dark entiry aboard. Sisko just found the Cardassians, who were asleep for 80 years. He started fighting one. Malici was the second in command of the  Cardassean army which was aboard. The High Guls memories were great and compared to throughout the armed forces of Cardassia. Gerek was asked if he wanted to save anyone. He didn't answer.

Thee Cardasseabs were first ask if they wanted any food. Some of the Cardassions went missing. Odo was going into an electronic field not knowing what will happen. A reactor breach almost caused the whole station shutdown. A vessal was entering the wormhole, despite the order of no vessals in the wormhole. Kira was planning to blow up the wormhole if necessary to protect the lives of people in the Gamma Quadrant. They were also going to flood the docking ring with radiation

The Cardassians were from 70 years prior. The Cardassians, who just awoke, thought they were still occupying Bajor and said that they'd kill any Bajoreans who moved off Bajor. Sisko suggested to them to turn themselves in. They were going to destroy the Defiant.

The Cardassians that just awoke were figuring out that the time they awoke was a different time then they slept. There was only one ship coming for the sleeping Cardassians, Benjamin didn't know that though. The Cardassians that awoke were part of an elite team known as the Crescent Order.

The Cardassians came in order to get the members of The Crescent Order. Sisko told them to back off. Garek gave the Cardassians intel on the Defiant. Sisko was prepared for war if the Cardassians wanted it. Kira got captured. Sisko was dead. Odo saved Sisko.

Kira was taken captive on the Defiant. Gerek saved Sisko. Sisko suddenly appeared on the Defiant. The High Gul offered Sisko a place at his side, he refused. The High Guls wife was killed by Franso. Starfleet sent 3 Starships and 1 Klingon Vessel to help the Defiant.

Saturday, June 1, 2019


Star Trek Quote of the Day:

StarTrek Birthday:


Discovered: June 1, 2337

He was one of a hundred changeling infants sent out to explore the universe and return to The Founders in the future to share  all that he had learned. Odo was unaware of his origin for most of his life, until the opening of the Bajoran Wormhole into the Gamma Quadrant premuturally reunited him with his race. A product of civilizations pn both sides of the wormhole, Odo was comflicted during the Dominion War. Though he sided with the Alpha Quadrant, his commitment to justice did not take sides and he worked to ensure that his allies stayed true to StarFleet ideals. Following the war Odo returned to his people to share the cure to the disease that had been engineered to wipe out his race.

Thursday, April 18, 2019


This StarTrek novel by Michael Jan Friedman has 275 pages.

Within it, Sisko is meeting his old shipmates from Saratoga. In the last mission of this ship he lost his wife to the Borg. The get together was to take place on Mars.

Rom found a beverage container from Thetalian Prime in Quirks supply closet.

Kira asked Quark to obtain what the Bajorean needed from a friend

Captain Ishemaki, of the Zapata was on course to Beta Jalonis on a distress call after dropping the passengers off at DS9

The passengers were on their way to DS9 to attend a get together as part of the new Saratoga crew

Groken was a man who slept around and had at least two female mates on the Saratoga

After he beamed onto another ship he hit on a counselor and then the person who beamed him over

Captain Nicholis Kyprios

Tarlegga was a competitor in the run, he was in, in the holodeck. Counselor Constance Barnes interrupted his run. They conversed about her immersion in her work not to deal with the voyage underway and her not wanting to talk about the Saratoga incident.

A few of the passengers who were going to take part in the ceremony were going to beam to Deep Space Nine, because the docking port were damaged.

Bashir was giving Dr. Offer a tour of sickbay. She was very insulting to him, and constantly made him feel inferior to her.

The ship docked, and let out the rest of the passengers who were attending the reunion and then left on its next mission.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Ezri Dax

Star Trek Quote of the day:

Star Trek Birthday

December 20, 2354

Ezri Dax

Ezri Tigan never anticipated becoming a joined Trill. As such, she never underwent   the intensive training that all hosts must experiance. But when the Dax symbiont took a turn for the worst en route to the Trill homeworld, it needed to be implanted intothe only member of the race on board the StarFleet ship transporting it. The young counselor suddenly found herself part of a centuries-long tradition as she was stationed at Deep Space 9. Although it was awkward at first to be stationed with the widowed husband of her previous host, she and Worf moved past the discomfort and she became a valued member of the crew.
