Friday, November 29, 2013

Michael Eddington

He was a security officer, placed on Deep Space Nine because Starfleets lack of confidence in Odo. He joined the Maquis and was killed on assignment. In 2371, after First Contact with the Dominion he came aboard.  In the next year, he defected to the Maquis.  He took advantage of his position, to hijack replicators for the Cardassians.

Monday, November 25, 2013


He was a Starfleet engineer working with Obrien on Deep Space Nine. He was a took part in  the inertial coupling test.


He was a Starfleet engineer on Deep Space Nine in the 2370s. He was a member of Chief Obriens staff. In 2379 he was ordered to run calibrations tests of the 64 stations internal couplings. He later was ordered to the cargo bay with officer Nori.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Julian Bashir

Born 2341, Earth

Lieutenant Julian Subatoi Bashir M.D., is the chief medical officer of Deep Space  Nine. A brilliant, audacious and ingenious doctor, Bashir often rubs others the wrong way because of his earnest, self - important and overly enthusiast personality. Despite his inexperience,  Bashir's ability to keep calm and perform admirably in medical crisis wins him the respect of his colleagues.
Trek Trivia Calendar Thursday November 21, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jadzia Dax

Born 2341

Jadzia Dax was the Deep Space Nines chief science officer. She was a trill, the eighth host of a symbiont named Dax, and had access to the memories, skills and experiences, of the previous seven hosts, including Curzon Dax, Sisko mentor.  Jadzia held degrees in exoarchaeologist, zoology, exobiology, and astrophysicist. She was an outgoing, tough adventurer, although her previous lifetimes had given her a sometimes inappropriate and mischievous outlook and she was prone to making wisecracks. Jadzia Dax was married to Lieutenant Commander Worf in 2374. Jadzia was killed later that same year, and the symbiont was transferred to Ezri Dax. From Trek Trivia Calendar Tuesday November 19, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013


He was a Vorta diplomat and leader in the service of the Dominion War. Eight clones were made of him. He fought on the Founders side of the Dominion War. All known clone of him were deceased by the year 2375.

Five Vorta clones encountered the Federation. He was the bedt known within his race. Weyoun represented the Cardassian Union. He negotiated with Commander Sisko when the war showed longer signs of hostilities.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


This group of Changelings created the Dominion. There birthplace is the Gamma Quadrant. They are seen as mythical for they are unseen by many species. Once they were a curious as well as peaceful race and explored space. Unfortunately these peaceful measures were met with violence.

Many see them as an untrustworthy race and fear them.  They are driven by the creation of order much like the Borg. The most notable as well as the most seen is Odo on Deep Space Nine. However the representative of the founders in tje Gamma Quadrant is a female changeling. She always tries, without  luck to seduce Odo to rejoin The Great Link.

Friday, November 8, 2013


Born 2333, Ferenginar

Quark is a Ferengi, and the host and bartender at Quarks Bar on the Promenade of Deep Space Nine. Quark can be blindly capitalistic, running various Black Market ventures and pety criminal enterprises,  but he also stays a touch more altruistic then most Ferengi, and provides crucial underworld information to the crew. Although they grow to respect eachother, Quark sparred with Odo constantly while Odo was still on the station.