Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jadzia Dax

Born 2341

Jadzia Dax was the Deep Space Nines chief science officer. She was a trill, the eighth host of a symbiont named Dax, and had access to the memories, skills and experiences, of the previous seven hosts, including Curzon Dax, Sisko mentor.  Jadzia held degrees in exoarchaeologist, zoology, exobiology, and astrophysicist. She was an outgoing, tough adventurer, although her previous lifetimes had given her a sometimes inappropriate and mischievous outlook and she was prone to making wisecracks. Jadzia Dax was married to Lieutenant Commander Worf in 2374. Jadzia was killed later that same year, and the symbiont was transferred to Ezri Dax. From Trek Trivia Calendar Tuesday November 19, 2013

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