Monday, February 14, 2011

Keiko O'brian

She was a botanist and primary school teacher. She was aboard the Enterprise and then Deep Space Nine. She was of Japanese descent. She had a strong bond with her family. She was introduced to Miles by Data. Data served as father of the bride in their wedding. Her favorite food was plankton Loaf; however Miles wasn’t that fond of them. They had a daughter, Molly. Keiko gave birth in Ten-Forward.
Keiko was a botanist on the Enterprise, working in the Arboretum. She also headed the biology department. For years she saw an old cup in her memory, with the help of a telepath she was able to recall the significance.
Keiko was not that thrilled about the transfer to Deep Space Nine. She opened a school with Benjamin Sisko’s permission. Later that same year the Bajorians were outraged at the studies that took place in the class. They believed that Keiko was teaching her student that the Prophet were wormhole aliens. Keiko eventually closed the school because of this and lack of students.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Michael Eddington

Michael Eddington abandons StarFleet for the Maquis. He eventually rises to lead the resistance movement against the Cardasseans.  Eddington creates a weapon that could pollute the atmosphere of a planet making it inhospitable. His choice planet was Cardassea Prime.
Sisko uses a similar weapon against Eddington, of course without StarFleet approval. Sisko does so with the help of the stations only Cardassean resident, Gerek.
The weapon was used again to bring the Romuleon Empire into the Dominion War, as allies to the Federation.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Julian Bashir

He was the Medical Officer that served on Deep Space Nine. He was born in late 2341. Known affectionately as “Jules” he was the only son of Richard and Amsha Bashir.  In 2346, he performed his first surgery of restuffing his Teddy.
Julian Bashir was not very bright, and physically awkward.  He never really could understand what was happening, but he knew he wasn’t like his other classmates. He knew he was a great disappointment to his parents.

In 2348, just before Julian’s 7th birthday, the Bashir family left Earth for Adigeon Prime. At first he was excited to be on that alien planet, but then they put him on Accelerated critical neural pathway formation

The focus was to enhance his mental abilities.  Over the next few months, his genetic structure was manipulated to expedite the growth of his mental abilities. His IQ increased 5 points. Julian was the star pupil in his new school.
At 15 he was angered at his parents for what he’d done.  He became a doctor because his parents would approve of this.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Terok Nor

One of the most historically, politically, and strategically important space stations in the Alpha Quadrant, Deep Space 9, originally known as Terok Nor, was an orbital space station constructed by the Cardassians in orbit of Bajor.
Under Federation administration following the Cardassian withdrawal, DS9 became a vital commercial port and defensive outpost because of its strategic location near the mouth of the Bajoran wormhole. It later became a key tactical location in the Dominion War.

Terok Nor was the original name of later which the Federation called Deep Space Nine. Built by Bajoran Slave labor, during the occupation, it was built in 2346-2351. Its original purpose was to refine uridium ore mined from Bajor. It had tremendous ore refinery and transport facilities.

Skrain Dukot

Skrain Dukot was a Cardassian military officer who served as prefect on Bajor in the final years of the occupation. He lost favor with Cardassian Central Command; however he became the ruler when he managed to get the Cardassians into the Dominion.


Rom was the younger brother of Quark. Rom had one son, Nog. He was a mechanical genius. However he was not a successful businessman, which Ferengi’s value more than anything. He worked as a waiter for his brother before becoming an engineer in the Bajoran militia. He got to be the Grand Negus after Zek.
As a child, he was teased for having smaller than average lobes.   On his birthday Quark sold Rom’s presents for more then what his father paid for them when he bought them. Quark got praised by his parents for doing that. 


He was the son of Nog and Prinadora, and Nephew of Quark. He was the first Ferengi to join the Federation. He served on Deep Space 9, and the USS Defiant in many of the most important battles of the Dominion War. 
He has born in 2353. As a Ferengi male Rom was forced to memorize The Rules Of Acquisition and study the Great Material Coontinuum. He was expected to become a merchant, and acquire wealth.  Because of the Cardassian Bajoran War, both Rom and Nog took residence on Deep Space Nine and worked as waiters at Quarks Bar. In 2369, the Cardassians withdrew and Terok Nor became Deep Space Nine.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Quark was a bartender on Deep Space Nine. He and Benjamin Sisko ware at odds many times and he was also at odds with Odo, the security officer of Deep Space Nine.   Even though he was a Ferengi he was a trustworthy man.
Quark was born on Ferenginar, the son of Keldar and Ishka. He had a younger brother Rom, who lived on Deep Space Nine as well. Quark grew to loathe his mother because his father blamed him for his financial troubles. His brother Rom tended to take her side simply because he was more compassionate and had a soft heart.
Quark left home at the Age of Ascension in 2351, Rom stayed home for another 10 years. His father advised him in not leaving Ferenginar, but he left.

Jake Sisko

Jake Sisko is the son of Commander Benjamin and Jennifer Sisko. He chose not to join Starfleet but to become a reporter. His closest friend was a Ferengi named Nog on Deep Space Nine.
Jake, born in 2355 a year after his parents met. When he was 11 he lost his mom.
Jake moved to Utopia Planitia Ship Yards after his mother died. In 2369 he accompanied his father to Deep Space Nine. He was unenthusiastic about the move to a space station. He came to accept it after meeting Nog, who would become his best friend. Jake helped him get enrolled in school taught by Keiko O’Brian. When he got kicked out of school Jake tutored him.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ezri Dax

“She’s a Dax sometimes they just don’t think they do.”
Ezri was the ninth host of the Dax symbiont. She serves as a counselor on Deep Space Nine beginning in 2375. She was joined the same year as Jadzia’s died.
Ezri Dax, who formally was Ezri Tigan, was born in New Sydney. Her mother was a successful mining magnate, with a father who was out of her life. In 2375, she was serving as ships councilor on the Destiny when it was sent to Deep Space Nine for an emergency to send the Dax symbiont back to Trill. On the trip Dax took a turn for the worse and as the only compatible symbiont on board, Ezri became the Ezri Dax.
She turned to Benjamin Sisko, a friend of the two previous Dax hosts for guidance. At the time Sisko was searching for the Orb of the Emissary with Jake his son and Joseph his father and Ezri went along to get to know him. While traveling Ezri noticed that she suffered from space sickness—warp drive made her a little queasy.

Jadzia Dax

Jadzia Dax was a joint trill and the eighth host of the Dax symbiont. She was a host from 2367 to 2374. She was a science officer who served under Benjamin Sisko in Deep Space Nine.
She was born in 2341 on the Trill home world. She was shy and quiet when growing up. She lived with her mother father and sister on Trill. She always wanted to be joined to a symbiont. She was the only member of her family to be joined.
She applied to Trill Symbiosis Commission when joining Starfleet. While at the academy she achieved premier honors in astrophysics, exoarcheology, exobiology and zoology.
She was rejected for joining, but reapplied, and became the only Trill in history to successfully complete the program after being rejected. The experience haunted her for years which is why she never went back to Trill.
She was joined to Dax after the death of Kurzon, the previous host, in 2367.After being joined to Kurzon she had to adjust to having 7 different lifetimes of memories.
“In order to know who you are, it’s important to know who you been.”
She was very comfortable with who she was. She was friends with Shelby. She even owed her a favor.
In 2369, she was assigned to Deep Space Nine, under the command of Benjamin Sisko, who had been friends with Curzon, a previous host of Dax. She stood for the crimes that Kurzon allegedly committed during the Klaestron Civil War. She was cleared of the charges.
In 2370, the Dax symbiont was removed and kidnapped by Varad Dax, who believed he was cheated out of the Dax symbiont.

Monday, January 10, 2011


One of a hundred Changelings, which were sent out to explore the universe, that were never expected to return until the late 27th century.  In 2337 he was found by a scientist that didn’t think he was a responsive being, so he did some unspeakable test in which Odo endured in a vacuum chamber as well as wide-ranging electro-shock., before realizing he was conscious.

Deep Space Nine

When Bajor petitioned for Federation membership Terok Nor became Deep Space Nine. The Federation would have overall authority in the running of DSN, however it would remain Bajoran.
The Cardassians had allowed a small series of businesses and entertainment facilities to operate in a central, multi-level market area called the Promenade. Because almost all of the shops were owned by non-Bajorans, Sisko hoped to convince many of them to stay to help build a trade network through Bajoran space. In particular, Sisko convinced Quark owner of ‘Quarks” (the largest establishment on the Promenade) to maintain his business on-station as an example for others, as well as to become community leader and chairman of the Promenade Merchants Association.
The station became an important facility for the Federation. Several hundred starships docked at the station for various reasons such as repair or food. The Enterprise was the first Starfleet vessel to dock for the transference of the new commander of the station and the majority of the Starfleet crew which was to be stationed there.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Kira Nerys

Kira Nerys was born in November of 2343. She was born while Cardasseans occupied Bajor to Kira Tabin and Kira Meru. She and her brothers were often called Tir Ramara a woman her father took in after her family was killed.