Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jadzia Dax

Jadzia Dax was a joint trill and the eighth host of the Dax symbiont. She was a host from 2367 to 2374. She was a science officer who served under Benjamin Sisko in Deep Space Nine.
She was born in 2341 on the Trill home world. She was shy and quiet when growing up. She lived with her mother father and sister on Trill. She always wanted to be joined to a symbiont. She was the only member of her family to be joined.
She applied to Trill Symbiosis Commission when joining Starfleet. While at the academy she achieved premier honors in astrophysics, exoarcheology, exobiology and zoology.
She was rejected for joining, but reapplied, and became the only Trill in history to successfully complete the program after being rejected. The experience haunted her for years which is why she never went back to Trill.
She was joined to Dax after the death of Kurzon, the previous host, in 2367.After being joined to Kurzon she had to adjust to having 7 different lifetimes of memories.
“In order to know who you are, it’s important to know who you been.”
She was very comfortable with who she was. She was friends with Shelby. She even owed her a favor.
In 2369, she was assigned to Deep Space Nine, under the command of Benjamin Sisko, who had been friends with Curzon, a previous host of Dax. She stood for the crimes that Kurzon allegedly committed during the Klaestron Civil War. She was cleared of the charges.
In 2370, the Dax symbiont was removed and kidnapped by Varad Dax, who believed he was cheated out of the Dax symbiont.

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