Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ezri Dax

“She’s a Dax sometimes they just don’t think they do.”
Ezri was the ninth host of the Dax symbiont. She serves as a counselor on Deep Space Nine beginning in 2375. She was joined the same year as Jadzia’s died.
Ezri Dax, who formally was Ezri Tigan, was born in New Sydney. Her mother was a successful mining magnate, with a father who was out of her life. In 2375, she was serving as ships councilor on the Destiny when it was sent to Deep Space Nine for an emergency to send the Dax symbiont back to Trill. On the trip Dax took a turn for the worse and as the only compatible symbiont on board, Ezri became the Ezri Dax.
She turned to Benjamin Sisko, a friend of the two previous Dax hosts for guidance. At the time Sisko was searching for the Orb of the Emissary with Jake his son and Joseph his father and Ezri went along to get to know him. While traveling Ezri noticed that she suffered from space sickness—warp drive made her a little queasy.

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